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Araize, Inc. ‘ FastFund NonProfit Software

FastFund is a relatively young product
(first released in 2000), but already
boasts a nice feature set that includes
integrated accounting, fundraising
and payroll applications. Version
2 was released in June 2003 and
is scheduled for another upgrade
(version 2.1) by the time this article
goes to print. New features in version
2 included a revised report designer,
additional sorting and filtering
capabilities, user-definable account
structure, and automatic interfund
balancing. Version 2.1 will include
a user interface upgrade, security
enhancements, ability to copy budgets
from previous year or create budgets
from GL activity, and numerous other
enhancements to other modules.

The program’s main user interface
is a very simple and consistently
organized layout that consists of
a drop-down menu system organized
by function (Lists, Transactions,
Activities, Cost Allocations, Reports),
plus a toolbar that provides single-click
access to frequently used functions,
such as Vendors, Clients, Cash Receipts,
Cash Disbursements, General Journal,
Invoices, Deposits, Pay Bills and
Print Checks. The program is list
oriented, so when you choose a function
like Vendors, a complete list of
vendors opens, with search capabilities.
Double-clicking on any item in the
list opens the detailed data-entry
screen for that item.

Data-entry screens are equally simple
and well organized. Key fields offer
drop-down selection lists, and screens
are designed to look similar to
their real-world paper equivalent,
such as checks, invoices and so
forth. This design speeds learning
and gives new users an immediate
comfort level.


The base modules included in the
FastFund Accounting product include
cash receipts, cash disbursements,
financial statements, budgets, report
generator, bank reconciliation and
check writer. Other optional accounting
modules include AP, AR and Cost
Allocations. Modules for FastFund
Raising and FastFund Payroll are
discussed in further detail in the
features section.

FastFund uses the Borland Database
Engine, which is a file/server configuration,
so there’s no additional server-side
database component to install. Just
specify the data location to allow
multiple users access to the shared
data files. This design does limit
the number of concurrent users to
a fairly small number, probably
less than 10. Windows NT, Windows
2000 and Novell file servers are
supported. Workstation requirements
are conservative, requiring only
Windows 95 or higher, a 486/66 processor,
32MB of RAM and 150MB of free hard
drive space.

FastFund GL gives you the ability
to create an account number with
a maximum of six segments with up
to six digits per segment, for a
total account number length of 36
digits. The minimum account number
format is a three-segment nine-digit
account number. Account numbers
are numeric only and do not allow
alphabetic characters. The program
uses a table-driven account numbering
system that eliminates duplicate
or repetitive entries for various
funds, divisions or cost centers.
A chart of accounts builder assists
in defining segments, and an account
segment linker defines valid segment
combinations for data entry. FastFund
allows you to set up five different
companies (more with additional

FastFund Raising is a separate but
integrated application that provides
tools for fundraising activities,
such as to-do lists, contribution
tracking, pledge payment scheduling,
fund, campaign, appeal and gift
management, plus a query builder
for on-the-fly reports and exports.
The FastFund Raising application
offers an optional Report Writer
and QuickBooks Pro Extension modules.

Code Tables are at the heart of
all lists within the FastFund Raising
module. Codes define attributes
about people and companies within
your lists. They can be used to
track demographics, affiliations
or their role within the organization.
Using search and query functions
against these user-defined tables,
you can identify any number of characteristics
and groups that are targeted or
tracked for a particular fundraising
purpose. Cash receipts, as well
as in-kind gifts and pledges are
also recorded through this module.

FastFund Payroll offers integrated
payroll with built-in tax tables
for all states, automatic accrual
of vacation hours, after-tax deductions
such as employee contributions to
health plans, automatic payment
of payroll tax liabilities, and
direct deposit (with optional Direct
Deposit module). Employee pay can
be distributed to multiple expense
accounts, and all transactions are
integrated with FastFund Accounting.
Form 941 and Forms W-2/W-3 can be
printed as well.


A basic selection of reports is
included that can be previewed or
printed. FastFund’s reports
include a chart of accounts list,
trial balance, cash receipts journal,
cash disbursements journal, general
journal entries, due to/due from
other funds, GL activity, budget
data, balance sheet, statement of
revenue and expenses, and statement
of functional expenses. Additional
applicable reports are available
if the optional AR or AP modules
are installed.

The FastFund Report Generator is
part of the basic accounting system
and allows the user to design financial
statements and reports. The report
generator was added to meet the
requirements of FASB-116 and FASB-117.
These user-defined financial statements
offer two formats: columnar and
FASB-117. You can name all columns
and line items, as well as group
and assign funds and cost centers.

All new users receive one free year
of telephone support. After the
first year, telephone support fees
are based on the number of modules
your organization licenses. One-on-one
remote training, as well as regularly
scheduled classroom training is
also available. The online help
is informative and includes answers
to basic everyday setup and usage
questions. A detailed, printed manual
is also provided with the product,
but is not available in electronic


FastFund is an attractive, budget-conscious
set of modules that will serve a
broad range of needs for nonprofit
organizations. For users with limited
accounting or computer experience,
the FastFund modules present an
interface that is nearly self-explanatory.
FastFund Basic Accounting costs
$395; Accounts Payable is $200;
Accounts Receivable is $200; Cost
Allocations is $200; Payroll is
$395; Fund Raising is $595; and
Multi-user is $395.

2004 OVERALL RATING: 4.5 Stars

To provide consistency, each review
takes into consideration six specific
areas that we believe are important
when considering an accounting package
for your nonprofit or governmental
organization. Most of the criteria
are self-explanatory. Ease of Use/Flexibility looks at the overall user

experience, and any special features that contribute
to a quick learning curve, modern
user interface and other setup features.
Modules/Scalability is generally a checklist of the modules that the

company offers, as well as a short summary of the underlying database technology, which

affects scalability or ability to serve a broad range of users.

Features/Functionality provides additional detail about the standard,

special or unusual capabilities offered by the package. The Reporting

section discusses the product’s built-in reporting capabilities, as well as any special

report writing tools available. Support/Help looks at the online help and

printed or electronic manuals available, as well as a summary of the company’s live

telephone support options. Relative Value is a category that takes all the

preceding categories and considers the overall pricing of the product relative to the

features it provides and audience it serves.

A number of the vendors offer very
informative materials to guide you
in your selection of an appropriate
not-for-profit accounting and reporting
solution. Take the time to look
carefully at the product’s
features, as well as request a demo
or even a reference for another
organization that may be similar
to yours.